Welcome aboard the Freedom Train!
Nestled in the quaint town of Phenix City, Alabama, our Veteran and Woman-owned company, Freedom Train For Kids, LLC creates innovative and one-of-a-kind patriotic children’s books. From empty blank pages being filled with the curious historical story of the 1947 Freedom Train to meeting the characters that come to life with beautiful original art, we invite you to join us in our mission; to connect kids across America with a heart full of love for our country.
Our company’s two new books are All Aboard America’s Freedom Train (PreK – 2nd grade) and America’s Patriotic Freedom Train (3rd – 5th grade); they will take kids on a funtastic journey and teach them that caring ideas can change the world. We believe this will inspire a generation of future leaders to chase their dreams and positively impact their communities. Freedom Train For Kids, LLC was built with a roof of passion, walls of freedom, and a door of literacy for all to open and become Best Freedom Friends!
Happy Reading!
Kathy Maggart

Contact Kathy Maggart
Email: kathymaggart@freedomtrainforkids.com Telephone: (334) 614-2089
Shortened Bio
Through her creative, artistic, musical, and
magical teaching style, Kathy Maggart's
passion to encourage children to have a
love for reading shines in everything she
Kathy Maggart is ...co-author and publisher of
both All Aboard America's Freedom Train
and America's Patriotic Freedom Train. Her
continued quest to capture the excitement of
reading compelled Kathy to write these
patriotic children's books that encompassed
the inspirational and true historical event of
the 1947 Freedom Train.
Enriched with beautiful art by illustrator, Jon MacGregor, the captivating characters, and storylines bring to life this fantastic story. Kathy Maggart has a master's degree in Elementary Education K-6 from Troy University. She taught 1st and 2nd grade and is now a retired educator. She has won multiple teaching
awards including her district's "Rookie
Teacher of the Year" in 2003.
Kathy also
won the prestigious "Golden Apple
Teacher" award in 2008. In addition, Kathy
integrated creative techniques of learning
through art, music, and promoted literacy
with her remarkable approach to education.
Kathy Maggart is also the owner and CEO
of Freedom Train For Kids, LLC. She is the
active director of their non-profit, Freedom
Train For Kids Foundation, a 501(c)(3).
+ Show More
Full Bio
Through her creative, artistic, musical, and
magical teaching style, Kathy Maggart's
passion to encourage children to have a love
for reading shines in everything she does.
Kathy's unique teaching abilities are filled ...with years full of fun educational initiatives.
This includes a life-size replica of a Blue
Whale heart inside an interactive "Ocean
Museum" with hands-on activities she
helped create.
With guitar in hand, Kathy
also established a sensational musical
storytelling time business to encourage
children to develop a love for reading. All
the while, this entrepreneurial spirit led her
down the path to a life-long dream of
writing children's books.
Kathy Maggart is now co-author and
publisher of both All Aboard America's
Freedom Train and America's Patriotic
Freedom Train.
Kathy recalls, "I never
thought that being "Businesswoman of the
Month" with a two day a week paper route
when I was 14 would lead to starting a
company and becoming the CEO!"
Kathy's continued quest to capture the
excitement of reading, compelled her to
write these patriotic children's books that
encompass the inspirational and true
historical event of the 1947 Freedom Train.
This red-white-and-blue train carried the
Nation's most important documents of
freedom and stopped through every state in
our wonderful nation, igniting a spirit of
patriotism. Millions of people lined up for
miles and miles to see this stunning train, walk aboard, and get a glimpse of the
documents that made this country strong.
Few people have heard about this story, and
Kathy wanted to share with young readers
its message of caring ideas, patriotism, and
having the freedom to chase your dreams.
Kathy's patriotism flourishes from her
upbringing in a Navy family and reinforces
her love for our country, and enthusiasm to
reach kids to encourage generations of
heroes and leaders.
Enriched with beautiful art by illustrator,
Jon MacGregor, the captivating characters,
and storylines bring to life this fantastic
story. Kathy knew these books would be
one-of-a-kind treasures for kids to read
while instilling a positive message. She
wanted these inquisitive characters through
the pages to invite readers to join them on
exciting roller-coaster adventures and
travels through time. Kathy says, "I believe
these books will help connect kids across
America with a heart full of love for our
Her genuine smile and outgoing personality are a warm welcome for anyone to talk with her about these exceptional books and her passion for literacy. Kathy Maggart has a master's degree in Elementary Education K-6 from Troy University. She taught 1st and 2nd grade and is now a retired educator. She has won multiple teaching
awards including her district's "Rookie
Teacher of the Year" in 2003. Kathy also
won the prestigious "Golden Apple Teacher"
award in 2008. In addition, Kathy integrated
creative techniques of learning through art,
music, and promoted literacy with her
remarkable approach to education.
Kathy Maggart is the owner and CEO of
Freedom Train For Kids, LLC. She is the
active director of their non-profit, Freedom
Train For Kids Foundation, a 501(c)(3). You can
contact Kathy for school author visits, radio,
TV, and all media events at:
+ Show More
Follow the Journey!
Our company, Freedom Train For Kids LLC, is a Veteran-owned, self-publishing book company in Phenix City, Alabama. Over the years, step-by-step our company’s entrepreneurial spirit and love for our country has led this dream to create a patriotic and educational children’s book series. Our journey started with a song about the 1947 Freedom Train, and a blank document on a computer screen. Very few people today have heard about this remarkable historical event of the of the 1947 Freedom Train that traveled around the United States, igniting a spirit of patriotism. This makes our books exceptional and unique. Our patriotic team of management, distribution, consultants, and writers are highly experienced in each of their professional roles. Day by day of learning the ins and outs of writing, distributing, and publishing, we kept progressing with hard work and a lot of faith.
Freedom Train For Kids believes our goal is a positive one that is filling a niche. We understand there is a limited amount of resources that encourage and inspire patriotism. Our book series aims to encourage youth to value the freedoms we have fought for so long and never be taken for granted. Our books and future series will help mold and shape kids to impact their communities sharing the spirit of patriotism.
Our company is passionate about publishing All Aboard America’s Freedom Train for younger students, ages 4-8 years old, and America’s Patriotic Freedom Train, a chapter book for ages 9-11. We believe kids are the heroes of our future and know that each child can make a difference. Our adventurous and unique books help kids understand patriotism and its importance throughout history. Through the pages, kids will learn that caring ideas can change the world. Freedom Train kids will pave the way for all of us to join together hand in hand and embrace a heart full of love for our country.
The Freedom Train For Kids family is leading a generation of young heroes who will be taking footsteps into the future and leaving patriotic footprints for younger generations to follow in- all waving the American flag of patriotism.
Interview Topics
- What inspired you to write these books?
- Why are kids getting so excited about this historical event?
- What is the message you hope children will take away from reading, All Aboard America’s Freedom Train?
- What is the message you hope children will take away from reading, America’s Patriotic Freedom Train?
- With your endorsement from America’s First Female 4-Star Army General, Ann Dunwoody, who says that she “hopes every child in America embraces these books and it forever ignites a spirt of patriotism,” why do believe your books are a must-have read for children?
- How can kids connect across America to have a heart full of love for our country?
- What do the characters in your books encourage in kids?
- What is a Best Freedom Friend?
- What was the purpose of the 1947 Freedom Train?
- How can people learn more about these books?
- What authors have helped you along your journey?
- Will there be more books in the series?
- When you're not writing or working what do you like to do?
- What is your next project?
Freedom Train Images